Friday, October 8, 2010

BBQ Pulled Pork Sheperds Pie

So, we had a ton of extra BBQ Pulled Pork leftover! I had to come up with some different things so we wouldn't get tired of them. Last night I came up with the idea of a pulled pork sheperds pie. Let me tell you...I don't toot my horn very often but man...this was good and I came up with it all on my own! I don't have exact measurements for anything, but that's the great thing about cooking vs. baking. It doesn't matter!

If you want to know how to make the BBQ Pulled Pork, see the post right before this. It is easy and delicious!

The Sheperds Pie I made used a 9x9 pan. You could easily double it and use a 9x13 pan.

First step was to boil 3 medium potatoes. I then mashed them with a few splashes of chicken stock, 2-3 wedges of Laughing Cow light cheese (you could use any flavor you like or flavored cream cheese), garlic salt, pepper and some dried parsley.

While the potatoes were boiling, I chopped up 1/2 a medium red onion (any kind will work )and 1 fresh jalapeno. I added that into a skillet with a tbls. of olive oil as well as about a cup of frozen corn. I sauteed that until just tender.

Next it was time to layer this heavenly dish up! I sprayed the 9x9 with cooking spray and added in the pork. It was probably about 1 1/2 cups. I also added a thin layer of BBQ over the top.

 Next, I layered the corn, jalapeno and onion mixture. Then topped that with the mashed potatoes and then of course cheddar cheese on top. I think you could use any flavor of cheese you like. I just happened to have cheddar that needed to be used up. It probably didn't need this much cheese, I just didn't want to leave a dab left in the bag. I hate to waste! Here's what it looked like coming out of the oven.

And this is right before it went into my belly! So ridiculously delicious! It will be some great comfort food all winter long. I'll definitely be making it again!


  1. Can't wait to try this, Renee!

  2. I can't wait for you to try it either! Let me know what you think! :)


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