I pride myself on being a pretty good cook, as well as baker. I've made Christmas candies and cookies for years. I usually make the old standards that my mom and I used to make...buckeyes, hazelnut balls, etc. I've mixed a few new things over the years, but some of them take a lot of time. For some reason, aka Sutton, I don't have as much time to make some of these old standbys. So, this year, I thought I would try some things I've had before, but never made. I was going to make this ridiculously good white fudge my mother in law used to make. All I had to do was melt some white chocolate chips and butter. The butter melted just fine, but the chips just melted enough to turn into a big ball of goo. I then tried to melt some of them further in the microwave. They just got scorched! Ugh...I hate failing! :(
I had already beaten up my cream cheese for the fudge, so what to do with that. Why not try making cookies with the Pampered Chef cookie press I've had for 8 or so years and never used! Brilliant! The first little batch of trees came out okay. I was confident enough that I dyed some more of the dough green to make wreaths. I went to press them out and of course it didn't work. I just decided to put the dough in the fridge tonight and try again tomorrow.
The other recipe I was going to make is easy. All I needed was brown sugar. I went to the cabinet and my brown sugar was hard as a rock! So, strike 3!
I half cleaned up the kitchen and now I'm heading to bed. The moral of this story is...One with "mommy brain" should only attempt the things she knows. Maybe this is God's way of telling me to stay away from the sweets! :)
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago