Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sappy Mommy

I have always been a little bit of a "sap".  Today I am a bit overtired from a long day yesterday of the KU basketball game and then Sean's company Christmas party last night. We were out until the break of 11:30 and were exhausted today! Anyway, Sutton has been fighting a cold, so we opted to watch our church service online today instead of taking her to the nursery. At the end, they were singing all of the Christmas songs of JOY. Sutton was done eating but sitting in her highchair watching the service online along with us. We were singing the songs to her and she was loving it. Something about watching the joy in her coupled with singing "Away in a Manger" brought me to tears. Happy tears of joy over how blessed we are! Every time I look at my child, I am reminded of the true miracle she is. Thank you, Lord!

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