Sunday we celebrated Sutton's baptism. We were so excited and nervous all at the same time! We were worried that she would cry, scream, poop, toot, you name it! Of course, everyone reassured us that it would be fine and we couldn't help it if she did any of those things anyway! I am pleased to announce that none of the aforementioned happened. She did great! It was a beautiful and blessed moment. We also felt very blessed to have Pastor Adam Hamilton baptize Sutton. He is a wonderful man with a beautiful message. Also in the picture are Sutton's godparents and our great friends, Ed and Traci Bellamy. They are responsible for us finding this church, so in addition to being our close friends, they were the obvious choice to be godparents! Sutton is one blessed little girl. Great godparents and some pretty special angels watching over her from heaven.
On a cute side note, Sutton like Adam so much that she reached out for him when we got pictures taken with him after the service. How cute is that? I think Adam enjoyed it as much as she did since his girls are all grown up now. :)
Isn't it amazing to watch your child be welcomed into the Lord's family. I felt so blessed on each of the boys baptism days. We were so fortunate to have Patricks Mom perform the baptisms, she is an ordained Episcopal Deacon, which was amazing. Many blessings to your family and a big welcome to Sutton!