I really wish I would update on Sutton's milestones more often. What a great way to keep track of everything. Just the other day I was talking to some friends about doing Sutton's baby book. A friend commented that she has the best baby book ever because she blogs about her son. Never even thought about that. Forgive me...I'm a little slow! :)
Anyway...we are amazed every day at what Sutton knows at 22 months. She can identify all of her letters and numbers to 10. New words pop up every day. She can sit with a book and "read", aka say things that pertain to each page. It is so cute! She can even point out Kansas, California and sometimes Iowa on a map. She carries her U.S. map placemat (thanks, Daddy!) around and says. "Kans". Let me point out that she knows California because we went there on vacation.
I don't say these things to brag, just to let you know where she is in her learning process. There are many things she could care less about, aka potty training. If I ask her if she is wet or dirty, the answer is always..."NO WAY!" Slowly but surely we'll get there. She's not even 2 yet so I am not sweating it. I guessing she's going to be one of those kids that when she's ready she'll let me know and she'll just do it. Let's hope so anyway!
She is know going to a Mother's Day Out program and loving it. There were tears the first two weeks and last week, not one tear or a kiss good bye. She watched me walk out the door and never looked back. I got the cutest email from the director telling me how big of a ham she was during pictures that day. Mommy's little one is growing up. I can hardly believe it. She's the best blessing I've ever been given! Thank you, Sean, for helping create her.
Now, I guess I'd better get to planning her 2nd birthday party! It's less than 2 months away!
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago
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