Monday, January 11, 2010

Couch to 5K

Ok, here it goes! My attempt at the Couch to 5K program started this morning. I had heard about this program the first time I was on Weight Watchers before I had Sutton. I had absolutely no interest in running! I thought to myself, you go people who want to do this. Well, fast forward 3 years later and here I am attempting it myself. I did the first workout this morning and so far so good! Who knew those treadmills at the gym had a speed interval setting on them that you can set for the program? (Thanks, Traci!) There are even podcasts and applications you can download to your I-pod, touch or I-phone. It can't get much easier for lazy people like myself!

We'll see how I feel tomorrow. :) I figured if I wrote about it, you all could help keep me accountable. I will keep you updated on my progress! If you are interested in checking out the program, you can find it at Happy running!


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