Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ode to our Grandmothers :)

We finally gave in and bought a new dishwasher! It was delivered this morning at 7:23 am. I know this because I was still in bed! It was rare that Sutton was still sleeping and Daddy had to go in to the office early! We thought there was no way we would be the first to be delivered between 7-11 am. Well, we were! Oh well! It's here! Now just waiting for Sean to hook it up.

We had to remove our old dishwasher so they could take it away. Kind of like "cash for clunkers" only with appliances! Sean and our good friend, Ed, took it out on Sunday. So...I have been hand washing dishes since then. As I was doing the dishes last night and grumbling about it, I thought of my Grandma Thys. She raised 4 boys out on the farm. I pictured her life of cooking, cleaning, washing out cloth diapers, hand washing dishes and doing chores all day long, every day. Can you even imagine? No dishwashers or modern conveniences of life today! I came to the conclusion that they didn't know any different. Everyone in their day did that. I would pull my hair out! The cooking would be no problem. The other things, not so much! Obviously, we all have to do these things, but we have lots of other distractions in between. My dad always likes to comment if my front walk isn't swept off when he comes to visit that..."Grandma (meaning my great grandma) used to sweep the walk every day". Well, Gees! After her kids were raised and Grandpa had passed away, what else did she have to do? She didn't have to cook all day long anymore. Might as well sweep the walk! God Bless our Grandmothers! I almost want to bake something as I am thinking about them. That would get me out of sweeping the front walk!


  1. I can't believe I forgot washing clothes, too! Some of them probably by hand! Yikes!

  2. Cameron loves to sweep the walk. He gets it from Patrick, which in turn was from his grandfather. As far as cloth diapering, one of the best decisions I made this time around. Money saved and no diaper rashes. They are a whole new world compared to our grandmothers. God Bless Them! :-)


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