Oh my, what a day! I started it by working out. I completed Week 3, Day 1 of Couch to 5K! This is the week they start to turn up the heat. You have to run 3 minutes straight twice! Do you know how long it's been since I ran for 3 minutes straight?! It very well could have been junior high track practice! That was a LONG time ago! Anyway...I survived it and was so glad once again that I made myself go!
The afternoon was a tad bit traumatic. We went to a first birthday party for a friend's adorable little girl. That part was great! When we got home, it was time for a nap. We all went up to Sutton's room, she immediately crawled for her basket of books. Before she got sidetracked with them, I went to pick her up. She continued forward as I was trying to get her and sure enough...she smacked her lip on the night stand. I immediately scooped her up, knowing it sounded terrible. Daddy was trying to tell her she was just fine. Of course, Mommy was upset and yelling at Daddy to look at her lip. I heard, Uh, there's a little blood. The next thing I know, I looked down and there was a trail of blood coming from her lip. I was freaking out trying to check her teeth and lips. Daddy calmly went and got a wash cloth and took her away. By the time I got to the other room, Daddy had put The Wonder Pets on and she wasn't even crying anymore. She's one tough little cookie! Thank you, Sean, for being so calm! Daddy was a rock when I needed him to be! We love you, Daddy!
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago
Yeah for daddy!